What’s your favorite hair-removal method?

We all want to get rid of the unwanted hair gently and painlessly, and have a smooth and velvety skin. Today we’ll take a look together at some of the most popular hair-removal methods.

Wax, depilation cream, razor or lasers are just a few of the handy methods that can help you get rid of unwanted hair on your body. Cheaper or more expensive, more painful or gentle – some perfect for moments when you’re in hurry, and others can help you permanently get rid of the unwanted hair. Before deciding which method to use, find out what the advantages and disadvantages are.

Depilatory cream

Although it does not pluck the hair from the root but rather removes it from the surface of the epidermis, depilatory cream is easy to use, and in the short term it leaves your skin velvety. Before using it, test it on a small area of skin and watch if the skin becomes irritated or not. The test should always be done 24 hours before use. The cream is applied according to the instructions on the packaging and removed with a spatula or a towel, then rinsed. The procedure does not cause pain, but your hair might grow faster and thicker.

Using the razor – quick fix

If you want to get rid of unwanted hair quickly, removing it with a razor blade is the most affordable method. Before you start, soak your skin in warm water. Use a scrub to remove the dead cells, then apply shaving foam to the wet skin and shave the hair in the opposite direction to its growth. Once you’re finished, apply a moisturizing cream. Sensitive skin can become irritated rather easy, so be precautious.


Waxing, although a bit painful, is one of the most commonly used hair removal methods. Apply the wax strip over your skin in the direction your hair grows, and remove it by pulling in the opposite direction. The advantage of this method is that the hair takes about 3-4 weeks to grow. However, if you have sensitive skin, it might get irritated.

Using an epilator

The epilator is a convenient but slower method of removing unwanted hair. Some devices can even be used underwater. It is considered a rather painful method, so before you get used, take a warm shower to open up your pores. Your epilator will help you get rid of unwanted hair for up to 3 weeks. This method cannot be used on very short or very long hair.

Photoepilation – the definitive method

This is a method of permanent hair removal using light, and it includes two epilation techniques: intensely pulsed and laser light. The first is a simple and painless procedure with which, after 6-8 sessions, the hair is removed by 80%. Pulse light destroys the root of the hair through heating. This method is not recommended for pregnant women, children and people with diabetes. The laser method works in a similar way. It completely destroys the root of the hair, providing long lasting results. The results are visible from the first sessions – however, minor burns may occur.

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