Natural Remedies for Treating Fever in Children

If you’re a parent, you are surely familiar with this scene. You hear your child coughing, you put your hand on its forehead and, to your surprise, it feels warm. You then run to get a thermometer, and your fear is confirmed: your little one has a fever.

Fever is the most common symptom that causes parents to bring their child to a hospital emergency room. However, fever itself does not endanger life unless it is extreme and ridiculously high. In most cases, it’s nothing to worry about. Fever is usually a normal response of a child’s immune system to a virus or a bacterial infection. Most healthy children can tolerate a fever fairly well.

Learn to treat your child using these natural remedies!

Fever in children. When should you go to the doctor?

You should take your child to a doctor or emergency room in a hospital if he or she has a fever of 40 ° C (above 40 ° C) or higher. Other symptoms that should alarm you are uncontrolled trembling, difficulty breathing, confusion or complaining of leg pain. Also, you should immediately call the doctor if your baby is less than 3 months old and has a fever.

Cold compresses

To reduce body temperature, cooling the body from the outside is very effective. When your child has a fever, the first thing you have to do is put a cold and wet compress on his forehead. As the water in the wet towel evaporates from the skin, the fever will drop and the temperature will go down quickly. You can even add a few drops of vinegar.

Note: Do not use very cold water because it can cause an increase in internal body temperature.

Hot baths

A lukewarm bath helps regulate body temperature. It will also help your baby relax and sleep better, which is necessary for a faster recovery. Avoid cold bathing or showering because this could worsen the conditions.

Have your kid drink as much liquids as possible

If your child has a fever, it is important to increase the intake of fluids. Fluids will help lower the temperature and replace the liquids lost through sweating. This will also prevent dehydration, which can lead to further complications and delay recovery.

You can also try having your little one drink some teas, as they also contribute to the required liquid intake. Furthermore, many teas have antioxidants that can improve the immune system and help the body heal faster.

Try to find out what caused the fever

It’s important to note that simply reducing the fever might not help cure the factors that caused the fever in the first place. In most cases, the body knows how to deal with the bacterial infection by itself, and no further action is required. However, if the fever persists, or if your child experiences other symptoms, it’s always best to ask a doctor for further advice.

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