Warts and Verrucas: Treatment and Prevention Methods

If a family member is suffering from the appearance of warts, also known as verrucas, you can help them quickly get rid of the condition and even prevent the appearance of new ones. The tips that dermatologists provide for this situation are only a few, easy to remember, and not at all complicated.


First of all, there are two quick ways to get rid of verrucas. How you treat them is extremely important and will play a huge role in the prevention of further complications.


What are the treatment options available?

When a person has a healthy immune system, verrucas will usually disappear alone after some time. However, healing will take a while, but in the meantime, the virology that caused the appearance of warts in the first place can spread to other areas of the body. If neglected, this can lead to the emergence of many new warts. When treating them, dermatologists recommend covering the wart in order to prevent the spread of the virus to other parts of the body or to other people. Also, do not forget to wash your hands immediately after touching the wart, for the same reasons as above. Moreover, avoid cutting it in order to not damage the skin and spread the virus.


Warts: Prevention methods

The virus that leads to the appearance of warts, human papillomavirus (HPV), spreads easily from one person to another and can be found pretty much everywhere. For these reasons, complete prevention is difficult to attain, but caution can significantly reduce the risk of getting in contact with it.


Avoid touching other people’s warts. This sounds obvious, but make sure each family member has his own towel, razor, socks and other personal items. This will make it extremely difficult for the virus to spread.


Clean any wounds. The HPV virus is anywhere. If you touch touching an HPV-contaminated object, it is very easy for the virus to enter your body through a wound or cut, which will lead to the appearance of a verruca.


Prevent dry and cracked skin. When the skin is dry or cracked, it is very easy for the HPV virus to penetrate into the skin.


Do not bite your nails and cuticles. When biting our nails, small lesions are produced that are not visible to the naked eye. These openings can make it easier for HPV to get into the body.


Wear slippers when at the pool or a public shower. The HPV virus multiplies in hot and humid areas. When the skin is hydrated and wet, it is unfortunately very easy to get infected. Thus, slippers can help protect your legs and prevent contacting the HPV virus.


Treat hyperhidrosis. This medical condition causes a lot of people excessive sweating. Most of the time, people suffering from this condition tend to sweat even when other people feel comfortable with the temperature. Excessive sweating increases the risk of HPV infection, so if you notice any symptoms of hyperhidrosis it is recommended to consult a specialist. The condition can be treated, and can help you prevent the appearance of warts.

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