Health benefits of sage tea

Sage, a plant of the same family as mint, has a long history as a cure for various diseases. In fact, even the name comes from the Latin word “salvation,” which means to save.


Sage tea

Egyptians used it for fertility, and the Greek doctor Dioscorides wrote in his reports that sage extract stops wounds from bleeding and helps to clean them. Later, doctors used sage to treat sprains and edema (swelling), colds, rheumatism and menstrual disorders.


Today, sage is used in many forms, the most popular being as tea. Sage infusion is a drink without sweeteners or added flavors, and it’s recommended to drink small quantities frequently.


Sage is a powerful antioxidant

Antioxidants are found in very large numbers in sage and, implicitly, in the infusion obtained from this plant. Antioxidants stop the harmful effects of free radicals and cleanse the body of toxins, preventing them from reaching the cells and attacking the tissues.


Sage tea can prevent signs of early aging and may reduce the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s and nervous system diseases.


Sage contains over 160 different polyphenols, which are herbal chemicals that act in our body just like antioxidants. A study showed that sage tea (a cup, or 240 ml) twice a day significantly increased the defense mechanism that antioxidants work through. Also, consuming sage tea has been found to lower both total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol (“bad” cholesterol) levels.


Benefits for patients with diabetes

In recent years, several studies have been conducted that have demonstrated the ability of sage in keeping blood sugar levels under control (in other words, it controls glycemia). This is why sage is recommended for those who have diabetes, as well as a prevention method.


A study conducted on mice with type 2 diabetes found that sage acts just like metformin, a drug prescribed to diabetes patients to keep their blood sugar levels under control.


Regulates estrogen levels

Sage has been used for a long time by women to diminish the symptoms of menopause, hormonal disturbances and lactation imbalances.


Sage tea can control hot flashes, excessive sweating and other menopausal symptoms, and can regulate very abundant menstrual flow, but it is not recommended for pregnant women.


Remedy for Alzheimer’s

Because Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative disease, no treatment can totally cure it. It has been shown, however, that sage extract, consumed as tea for 3-4 months, improves the memory of patients with this condition. Specialists claim sage inhibits the loss of acetylcholine, a substance that was found in extremely reduced quantities in Alzheimer’s patients.


Sage is an ally for a beautiful skin and healthy hair

Sage tea can also be applied to the skin and hair, in a more concentrated formula. Very greasy skin can be treated with a sage tea bath once every 3-4 days. Let the infusion act until it dries completely, then rinse with warm water.


For hair, prepare an infusion in 2 liters of water, let it cool until it reaches body temperature, then rinse with it after washing it normally with shampoo. Sage tea also removes dandruff and can soothe the skin on your scalp.

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