Aloe vera: internal and external uses for health

Aloe vera is a plant with multiple uses. For example, in traditional Indian medicine, aloe vera was used for constipation, dermatological disorders and infections, while in Chinese medicine it is recommended for the treatment of fungal infections.

Aloe vera has, therefore, many benefits for health, having multiple applicances for both internal and external use. However, you should ask your doctor’s advice if you want to use aloe vera to relieve various symptoms.


Aloe vera for internal use

Aloe vera treats constipation – A German agency regulating the use of herbs has approved the use of aloe vera for the treatment of constipation. The doses, which vary between 50 and 200 milligrams of aloe vera liquid are given either in capsule or liquid form, daily, for up to 10 days. If you want to treat constipation using aloe vera remedies (which contain a yellow liquid derived from the inner layer of aloe leaves), you should ask your doctor first.


Aloe vera helps digestion – Thanks to its components with laxative and anti-inflammatory effects, aloe vera also has this benefit: it helps digestion. Aloe vera juice, experts say, aids digestion, normalizes acid / alkaline balance and pH, encourages digestive bacteria and regulates intestinal transit.


A study published in 2013 found that administering 30 milliliters of aloe vera juice twice daily reduced abdominal discomfort in 33 patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Also, participants said that flatulence also decreased. Even so, more research is needed on this topic.


Aloe vera stimulates the immune system – The enzymes found in aloe vera break down the proteins we eat into amino acids and turn the enzymes into “fuel” for every cell in our body, allowing the cells to function properly. Another important element of aloe vera, zinc, makes this plant an excellent source to combat zinc deficiency, which it is essential to maintain the proper functioning of the immune system.


Aloe vera for external use

Studies suggest that aloe vera is effective in treating certain conditions or in relieving the symptoms of certain diseases.


Aloe vera, an ally in the fight against acne – Research suggests that applying an aloe vera based gel in the morning and in the evening, in addition to the drugs prescribed by the dermatologist to treat acne, can relieve acne symptoms by up to 35%.


Aloe vera for genital herpes – There is scientific evidence that applying a cream containing 0.5% aloe vera extract three times daily increases the healing rate in men with genital herpes.


Aloe vera moisturizes the scalp and hair – Aloe vera is an amazing natural treatment for dry hair or to relieve itching of the scalp. The aloe vera plant has properties that nourish the skin, and the many vitamins and minerals that are present in the leaves keep the hair strong and healthy.


Due to the antibacterial and antifungal properties of aloe vera leaves, this plant also helps in case of dandruff, and the enzymes in the aloe vera gel can remove dead cells from the scalp area and can encourage tissue regeneration around the hair follicles.

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