These Are the Best Detox Teas

Most of us associate detoxing with eating less and drinking lots of liquids. However, detoxification should be a gentle process that does not deprive the body of any necessary nutrients. That’s why we recommend a detoxification with teas, that can be done in parallel with a healthy diet. Here are 5 teas that will help you feel fresh and healthy!

Detoxifying teas are excellent for removing toxins from your body. By toxins we mean those residues, harmful chemicals, and free oxygen radicals that can lead to increased stress levels. Stress slows metabolism down, weakens immunity, and increases inflammation, which ultimately leads to weight gain, but also to the appearance of other affections. The antioxidants and other phytonutrients often contained in detox teas counteract the harmful effects of toxins, clean the digestive tract and relaxe the brain – thus promoting healthy weight loss and optimal body functioning.

Here are five of the best detox teas you can try that will help you lose weight and stay in shape!

Green tea detox

One of the most recommended drinks for weight loss is green tea. It contains powerful antioxidants, called catechins and galactate epigalocatechin (EGCG). These antioxidants stimulate metabolism and have been linked to healthy weight loss and decreased abdominal fat. Green tea is considered one of the healthiest beverages on the planet and is believed to offer many health benefits including cancer prevention.

Hibiscus tea detox

Hibiscus tea contains powerful antioxidant properties that can help boost your health in many ways. Several studies have shown how consumption of hibiscus tea can help improve weight loss and prevent obesity. This herbal tea can also help lower blood pressure, improve liver health and even fight cancer.

Mint tea detox

A delicious and refreshing drink, mint tea also has soothing effects on your nervous system, helps reduce stress and keep your body functioning within optimal parameters. It is crucial to note that stress can slow down your metabolism and interrupt your efforts to lose weight. The strong aroma of mint tea can also help suppress appetite, which is vital for losing weight.

Lemongrass detox

In the form of medicinal tea, lemongrass has been used in Indian Ayurvedic medicine and in ancient Chinese medicine for a very long time. Lemongrass infusion contains strong antioxidants, essential oils and an important amount of vitamin C. It also contains active ingredients such as myrcene and citronellol, which helps stimulate the immune system and help in the process of alleviating various pains.

Ginger tea detox

Ginger works as a great detoxifier, helping to remove unwanted toxins from your body. It is also known to improve digestion, suppress appetite and maintain metabolism throughout the day. The list of health benefits that ginger offers can go on forever – including, but not limited to preventing cancer, improving sexual function, fighting against flu or colds, and many more.

For extra benefits, you can also add a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice to your ginger tea. The mixture will help you reduce water retention, eliminate the extra pounds and reduce the abdominal fat, and last but not least stimulate your metabolism!

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