The Health Benefits of Mint

Mint truly is a miraculous plant. Not many people know that it has been used for thousands of years not only for its taste or smell, but also for its proven health benefits. It’s no surprise, perhaps, that we find it more and more often around us today, from skin care products to food, drinks, smoothies and cocktails. Mint leaves contain many essential oils, including menthol and limonen. Mint tea is the most well known and consumed types of tea, and it is used not only for its taste, but also for the many health benefits it has to offer.


Mint: health benefits

Improves stomach discomfort. Mint has a lot of compounds that help relax the intestinal tract tissues. Several studies have shown over the time that mint can successfully help eliminate stomach pains in children, and other studies even point out to the fact that it can help relieve nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy.


Can treat irritable bowel syndrome symptoms. Studies show that capsules containing peppermint oil can help reduce the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, such as stomach pain, constipation and diarrhea.


Helps you get rid of headaches. The active ingredient contained in the mint is, as we all know, menthol. Various studies have shown that its properties can help reduce migraines. It is also known to reduce other symptoms such as sensitivity, nausea and vomiting, while other studies have shown that applying peppermint oil on the forehead area can help eliminate tension and stress.


Destroys the germs in the oral cavity. In addition to providing us with a fresh breath, mint also has various antibacterial properties that help eliminate the leading source of unpleasant odors: germs.


Cleans the sinuses. Mint can help fight colds or mucosal infections that can lead to the blocking of the sinuses. That’s why menthol often feels that it allows you to breathe easier.


Gives you more energy. If you want to feel full of energy throughout the day, mint oil can be an ideal trick to quickly change your mood and become more active. Experts are still not sure about the particular changes that occur in the body, but it seems that mint helps eliminate drowsiness.


Eliminates menstrual cramps. Of course, it does not affect the amount of blood, but however it can eliminate the intensity and shorten the duration of menstrual pain. Give it a try, it might make things a little easier!


Reduces appetite. Here’s good news for all of you who follow a diet and want to get rid of a few extra pounds. Essential mint oil helps you get rid of the hunger sensation and, most likely, to lose weight over time.


Calms seasonal allergies. Mint can help you smell the beautiful odors nature has to offer without worrying about possible allergies. This is because it contains rosmarinic acid that helps reduce body reactions such as clogged nose, irritations or sneezing.


Improves focus. A small study has recently showed that peppermint capsules can help certain people to focus better without feeling tired.

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