Symptoms of Heart Failure in Women

Many of the heart failure symptoms can seem to be normal discomforts, so it’s not good to simply overlook them.

Heart failure is a problem affecting both men and women. But did you know that there are certain symptoms that only show up for females?

Pay attention to the information below, because you never know when it might come in handy. By knowing these symptoms, you will be able to react in time when you or someone near you is in danger.

This health issue is one of the leading causes of premature death worldwide. There are certain alarm signals that our bodies transmit which shouldn’t be ignored.

People who react quicker have higher chances of getting to a defibrillator on time (a device that rebuilds normal heart rate through electrical shocks) and, thus, to survive.

If using a defibrillator is not possible, the patient can receive cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Regardless of the circumstances, it is essential to identify the main symptoms of a cardiac arrest as early as possible.

What is a cardiac arrest?

Although the heart has an internal system responsible for controlling its beatings, there are certain conditions, such as arrhythmia, that can cause irregular beatings.

Arrhythmia causes the heart to beat too slowly, too fast or even stop. In the latter case, the patient experiences what’s called a cardiac arrest, which should not be confused with myocardial infarction.

Heart failures may be caused by several factors, including:

  • Coronary diseases
  • Physical stress
  • Genetic disorders

The main symptoms of heart failure in women

Back, cervical, mandible and arm pains

If you feel pain in the back area, cervical region, mandible or arms, it is important to be vigilant because such pains can be confused with the symptoms of less serious conditions. Although they can be misleading, they are known to be among the first symptoms of heart failure.

Whether these pains occur gradually or suddenly (but especially in the second case) or whether they are sharp or not, it is advised to consult a doctor.

Stomach aches combined with nausea

Stomach pains associated with nausea could be a possible symptom which should never be ignored. This may warn you that you are about to experience heart failure.

You will probably get the impression that the problem is because of food poisoning or flu, but if you are experiencing a strong pressure near the belly level, consult a doctor.

Cold sweats

Cold sweats also fall into the category of heart failure symptoms that only occur to women. Don’t just think that this problem is just a consequence of daily stress or worries. If you’ve never experienced cold sweats before, it might be a good idea to ask your doctor about it.

Frequently feeling fatigued

Do you often feel tired after just a few minutes of effort? Are you not able to do any kind of basic tasks, such as standing up or walking, even after you’ve gotten proper rest? This symptom could indicate a serious health condition, so it’s recommended to take action quickly and get some blood tests done.

Don’t forget that there are various treatments available that support cardiovascular health. There are plenty of options available, but only a doctor can prescribe appropriate treatment.

At the same time, a healthy lifestyle, exercise and stress relief should become key aspects of your life.

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