Properly dealing with calcium deficit

Calcium is a very important mineral for our body; necessary to strengthen the bones, nails and teeth, and to keep the muscular and nerve functions under control. So, it is obvious that if the body suffers from calcium deficiency, there is an increased risk of several health problems.

There are several ways in which calcium deficiency can be prevented or overcome. Here are the most important ones!

Sun exposure in the morning

If you expose yourself to plenty of sunlight in the morning, the body receives vitamin D. This helps absorb calcium and balance its levels in our blood. Thus, 15 minutes of bathing in the sun are enough to get the required daily amount.

Eating foods rich in calcium

The best way to prevent and combat calcium deficiency is, of course, by eating calcium-rich foods. Cheese, milk, yogurt, all dairy products are sources of calcium. You can also eat oranges, cereals, soy milk and other soy products, spinach, cabbage. All these are great alternatives for people who are lactose intolerant.

Consuming magnesium-rich foods

Like vitamin D, magnesium is another component needed for better calcium absorption. The intestinal calcium absorption and the renal excretion of both components are interdependent. So if you want your body to be able to absorb calcium properly, it’s also recommended to eat foods such as broccoli, peas, seaweed, spinach, cucumbers, green beans.

Avoid excessive salt consumption

People who eat excess salt often suffer from calcium deficiency. Sodium does not allow the body to absorb calcium from food, and in time, our bones, nails and teeth suffer from this. Furthermore, salt is associated with cardiovascular disease. It is recommended to reduce the salt intake.

Avoid sodas and other kinds of soft drinks

You may not know it, but acid-containing drinks can interfere with calcium absorption. Also, excessive consumption of soda can cause an increase in the level of phosphate in the blood, which interrupts the calcium absorption process. Studies have also linked sodas to osteoporosis and many other health conditions, so it’s best to avoid these drinks as much as possible.

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