Plants that can help in the cold season against coughing, bronchitis, sinusitis, trachea and other conditions

In the treatment of the inconveniences and infections specific to the cold season we can resort to alterative medicine. Many of the natural remedies are useful in the improvement of respiratory conditions, because they have expectorant properties, relaxing the muscles of the respiratory tract.


Thyme, can heal bronchitis

Acute bronchitis is an inflammatory infection of the large bronchi and most often occurs as a result of an infection of the upper respiratory tract or diseases, such as intense coughing. Bronchitis becomes chronic when present for at least three months a year, two years in a row. In this case, the inflammation spreads to the bronchi, producing excess green mucus. Herbal remedies can be administered to relieve the symptoms of the disease (productive chest cough, fever, rapid breathing, etc.) and to strengthen the immune system. Therefore, they are a complementary treatment and should be recommended by the phytotherapist.


The culture thyme, in the form of a tincture, is a good antiseptic, because it has the property to calm the cough and stimulate the expectoration, due to the compounds found in the volatile oil. To obtain the tincture put in a jar 15 tablespoons of thyme powder and 500 ml of 50 degrees food-grade alcohol. Mix the ingredients well and leave to macerate for 12 days in the dark. Then filter and add 7-8 drops of volatile thyme oil. One teaspoon of thyme tincture is consumed three to four times a day, 12 days. The remedy is contraindicated in pregnant women and people who have high blood pressure.


Candle and sea urchin, remedies for laryngitis

This is most often the result of a viral infection. It is manifested by dry cough, which then turns into productive cough, pain during cough, altered voice or hoarseness. In case of laryngitis, candle infusion is useful. Infuse 1.5 -2 grams of dried candle flowers in a cup of boiling water for 15 minutes, then filter and consume three cups of candle tea a day, until the symptoms disappear.


Elecampane (also known a horse-heal), useful in trachea

Trachea an infectious inflammation of the trachea, which is aggravated by the inhalation of smoke. It most often occurs in laryngitis and bronchitis. Usually, there is no need for drug treatment in the treatment of trachea, which can be improved by a treatment with herbal remedies. However, if the symptoms persist despite treatment, it is important to consult your doctor.


Herbal teas are recommended as a natural treatment. This plant has active ingredients such as volatile oils, camphor, lard and potassium salts. All these have expectorant, antibacterial, antispastic properties. For this reason, seagrass contributes to the fluidization of bronchial secretions. Also, herbal tea can also be used in case of fever, as it helps the body to recover faster. To prepare the tea, you need to put a teaspoon of ground grass root in a cup of boiling water. Stir and leave the mixture to infuse for 10 minutes. Drink three cups a day, before lunch, in a cure for two to three weeks.

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