How Much Coffee Should You Drink?

Coffee is one of the most controversial drinks. It’s not uncommon to hear people say that too much caffeine can seriously damage our bodies, while others would state that in fact, coffee is actually beneficial for our health.
Recently, researchers at the Southampton University in the United States have published a study in the British Medical Journal magazine, coming to the conclusion that we shouldn’t be afraid at all to drink coffee. They have analyzed more than 220 researches related to caffeine consumption, and have found out that we can drink as much as even 4 cups a day without being afraid of health issues.
Furthermore, this quantity of caffeine can even help with our general wellbeing. The British scientists believe that when you put into balance the benefits and the risks of drinking coffee, you will find that the risks are much fewer than the positive aspects.
Coffee drinkers are less exposed to hepatic disease, diabetes, dementia, and even various types of cancer. Even the risk of having a cerebral vascular accident is lower for those who consume caffeine frequently. In order to fully benefit its full potential, it is recommended to consume between 2-3 cups of coffee every day, according to this study. This is said to lower the risks of dying from various affections by as much as 17%. However, the study pointed out that this does not apply to pregnant women or those who have fragile bones.
According to the National Health Service in the United Kingdom, an adult can consume up to 400 mg caffeine daily. This is the equivalent of 3 moderate cups of coffee, considering that a normal dose is between 120-140 mg per cup.
Professor Paul Roderick, the leader of the research, claims that no matter what a person’s age is, or whether they are smokers or not, whether they exercise or not, the benefits of drinking coffee are obvious.
Researchers also noted that there is actually no such think as addiction to coffee, contrary to popular belief. It turns out that in fact, the body can adapt quickly to lesser to none daily coffee doses. If you’ve decided to stop drinking coffee, magnesium supplements can come in handy.
It should be pointed, however, that results may vary from one person to another. It is possible that drinking too much coffee might not do good for a person who is constantly stressed. It could, in fact, backfire, only resulting in further stress and an increased heartbeat. There have been cases when people have reported insomnia, headache, irritability and dehydration from an exaggerated intake of coffee.
Coffee is a great supplement that helps us improve our focus, boost our energy and, according to some, even become smarter. People have been using this miraculous drink since the 10th century and it’s no wonder it’s so popular, even today.
In a constantly changing world, where you always need to be ready to take a decision, coffee is the solution to (almost) any question! As Jackie Chan famously said – “Coffee is a language in itself.”

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