10 Essential Things for your Child’s Health

From the moment the pregnancy is confirmed, parents are often overwhelmed by thoughts about what they should do in order to help their child grow healthy as much as possible. Here are a few things to keep in mind!

Love and security

Parents must show children their love every day. Children need a lot of love and to feel protected. It is proven that if there is harmony in a family, the health state of all members is stronger. Children need their parents physically and morally, not only for clothes, toys, food, and a roof above their heads. They are content with fewer material things and become happy when they are given attention, quality time together, as much and as often as possible.

Healthy eating

When you have children, it is mandatory to take into account the nutritionists’ advice to keep your child away from the many unnatural ingredients that a lot of foods the supermarkets or restaurants can contain. Avoid fried foods, excessive salt, fat and sugar.

Hydration, vital for children

After 6 months of age, babies are already familiar with water in its pure form. Nothing more natural! Children need water from a clean, certified source with low sodium, fluorides, and nitrates. Healthy water consumption in children prevents obesity, diabetes and cavities. Try to keep your children away from carbonated drinks and sodas as much as possible.

Teeth health

As the first teeth appear, parents need to familiarize children with the toothbrush and toothpaste. Even if the child protests at 9 out of 10 tooth sessions, it is good for him to have healthy teeth and get used to doing this action in the morning and evening. Every six months, a visit to the dentist is necessary even if there are no problems, so the fear of the dentist disappears and the children learn to take care of their teeth.

Outdoor activities

From birth, children must be taken out every day, they need long walks in clean air to enjoy fresh oxygen and the peace of nature.

Children who stay at home too much are more nervous and tend to adopt an unhealthy diet, spend too much time in front of the TV, or playing on the computer.

Routine medical checks

The pediatrician and family doctor play an important role in keeping and monitoring the child’s health. Any sign or symptom of illness that parents notice should be immediately communicated to the child’s physician.

Body hygiene

Health is maintained through proper body hygiene. Washing our hands often is something we need to do regardless of age. When children are young, they become more easily ill with diseases such as intestinal virosis.

Safety at home

Home is where children need to feel comfortable, but also safe. Adults do not even know how many dangers they hide in their homes until they have a baby. The furniture must be stable, fixed in the walls if necessary. Avoid glass panes when children are small because of the imminent danger of breaking them. Children should also be protected from the corners of the furniture.

Detergents, medicines, paints and all other chemicals should be placed in a closet in places difficult to access.

Stay away from electronic games

Although we live in an increasingly technologicalized world, children should stay as far away from phones, tablets, computers and televisions. Psychologists and doctors around the world talk about the dangers that children face daily in front of screens daily because of problems that may arise: delay in psychomotor development, behavioral disorders, ADHD, vision problems and so on.


The best alternative to electronic games is reading, as it makes children develop a rich imagination and vocabulary. Have discussions with your children based on the books you read together, asking them for their opinions and arguments.

Books hide fascinating universes waiting to be discovered. You should read your kid a story every night!

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